Four Oaks Probus Club


Past News Tab

Past Presidents Tab
Speakers Tab In Memory Tab


1. Title

1.1. The Club shall be called “Four Oaks Probus Club”.

2. Aims

2.1. To promote Fellowship and Friendship by regular meetings and other activities.

2.2. To be non-political and non-sectarian.

3. Membership

3.1. Membership shall be open to retired and semi-retired professional and business men over 50 years of age resident within the local area of Four Oaks.

3.2. Membership shall be restricted to 50 Ordinary Members.

3.3. Application for membership after attending at least two meetings, shall be made to the Membership Secretary, on the Club’s official form, proposed and seconded by two existing members. Such applications will be notified to the Club committee by the Membership Secretary.

3.4. During any period of full membership the Membership Secretary shall operate a waiting list of up to 5 persons, which can be amended as required. He shall keep on file the particulars of any individuals showing interest in joining the Club.

3.5. Final decision on acceptance for membership to be made by unanimous decision of the Club Committee.

3.6. The Committee may appoint Honorary membership to any member in recognition of their outstanding contribution or service to the Club. Such position will be nominated by the Committee and subject to approval by the membership.

4. Club Committee

4.1. The Club’s business and direction is to be monitored and controlled by the Club Committee, though all decisions (except, acceptance for membership and emergency decisions) have to be taken by a simple majority of Club members present at an ordinary or special meeting (subject to a quorum being present which is one-half of the Club members).

4.2. The Club Committee shall consist of: President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.

4.3. The Club year shall be from April to March, but the Club Committee members shall be elected at the January meeting for the new year starting in April. The Honorary Secretary shall invite nominations, proposed and seconded by members, in November and December.

4.4. The offices of President and Vice President shall be for one year, but will be eligible for re-election, as will the other members of the Club Committee.

4.5. The Club Committee shall have the power to co-opt as necessary.

4.6. Any three members of the four officers of the Club Committee shall constitute a quorum.

4.7. An Honorary Auditor shall be appointed each year at the Annual General Meeting.

5. Meetings

5.1. Ordinary meetings shall normally be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, starting at 12 noon to approximately 2:00pm.

5.2. Records of attendance shall be kept by the Membership Secretary and apologies shall be given to the Honorary Secretary (or his nominee) by the previous Monday evening.

5.3. The Honorary Secretary shall inform all members in writing of the date of the Annual General Meeting (A.G.M), giving 21 days notice with an agenda.

5.4. The A.G.M shall be held on the fourth Wednesday in April.

5.5. The Honorary Treasurer shall present a Budget for the forthcoming year at the March meeting and a set of audited accounts at the A.G.M for the Club year just ended.

5.6. A Christmas function may replace the December meeting on an alternative date.

5.7. Committee meetings shall be arranged as and when required.

5.8. The Honorary Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting (S.G.M) at the request in writing of ten members, giving 21 days notice with an agenda.

6. Attendance

6.1. Members are expected to attend most, if not all meetings. Failure to attend six meetings in a calendar year may, at the discretion of the Club Committee, result in loss of membership.

6.2. In the case of a temporary inability to attend a meeting, members may, at the discretion of the Club Committee, be granted ‘Leave of Absence’ for up to six months. Only two such leave of absences may be granted in succession.

6.3. In the case of more permanent inability to attend meetings the Club Committee may grant Associate Membership status with a reduced subscription. Associate Members are not included in the maximum number of members.

6.4. Whenever a vacancy arises in the membership, the Committee may invite a prospective member from the waiting list to attend a maximum of three Ordinary monthly meetings of the Club without cost as a guest of the Club. Prospective members may also attend social events by invitation subject to the payment of the appropriate fee.

6.5. Occasional visitors may attend Ordinary monthly meeting of the Club, but not the Annual or Special General meetings, at the invitation of members as their personal guests at their expense (if any) but not on a regular basis.

7. Other Committees and Roles

7.1. The Club Committee shall approve the setting up of various Sub-Committees such as: (1) Venue. (2) Membership and Attendance. (3) Welfare, (4) Social. (5) Publicity. (6) Speakers, (7) Regalia, (8) Insurance, (9) Members Handbook.

7.2. Individuals may be requested to take on particular roles by the Club Committee.

8. Voting

8.1. The quorum of the Club members is to be one-half of the current membership and proposal is carried by a simple majority (except for an amendment to the rules. See item General below). The President (or Chair of the meeting) does not have a vote except a casting vote should there not be a majority.

8.2. The quorum of the Club Committee is three but the President (or Chair of the meeting) does have a vote and if necessary a casting vote.

9. Subscriptions

9.1. The Members’ subscription for each year shall be fixed at the A.G.M and shall become due from the 1st May following.

9.2. Failure to pay by the July meeting may, at the discretion of the Club Committee, result in loss of membership.

9.3. The joining fee for new members, Associated members’ subscription and the Visitors’ charge shall be fixed at the Club’s A.G.M and shall become due from the 1st May following.

10. General

10.1. No amendment to these Rules shall be made except at a Special General Meeting or at the A.G.M where 21 days notice of a proposal to amend these rules shall be given in writing by the Honorary Secretary to all members.

10.2. Any amendment to these Rules shall require the approval of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at the meeting, subject to a quorum being present, which is one-half of the Club members.

10.3. Notices may be given on behalf of the Committee to any member by sending them to his postal address or e-mail address as set out in the Members Handbook.

11. Health and Safety Notice

11.1. Members are advised (reminded) to take care and be fully responsible for their own health and safety at the Club meetings and events.

11.2. The Committee cannot accept responsibility for members actions but they must provide a duty of care and due diligence by advising members of any potential risks, hazards etc.

Note for the record:

Claims can only be made if a member can prove a case of dereliction of duty by the Committee.

12. Disciplinary Procedure

The following are the disciplinary obligations of each member and any breach may cause disciplinary proceedings to be commenced against any member alleged to be in breach. Each member is bound by these terms throughout his period of membership. The obligations are:-

12.1. To observe and perform all members’ obligations apparent within the terms of this constitution including any amendments made to it from time to time.

12.2. To behave in a respectful and professional manner at all times during the meetings of this club and during the club’s activities and during the conduct of all other club business.

12.3. Not to behave in any way that is discriminatory or that insults, offends, antagonises or harasses fellow club members or persons within organisations with whom the club deals from time to time and not to create an environment in which discriminatory, offensive, antagonistic or harassing behaviour may arise.

12.4. Not to behave in any way that poses a threat to the health and safety of any person.

Disciplinary proceedings shall be dealt with by a panel of two or more members of the club committee (the disciplinary panel). To deal with a breach the disciplinary panel may impose such penalty on the defaulting member as it sees fit and proportionate, including making a decision against him that his membership of the club be terminated. Disciplinary proceedings shall be instigated by the disciplinary panel giving written notice to the member against whom the breach is alleged specifying such breach and indicating the procedure to be followed.

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